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Articles in Ki Tavo

A Tale of Two Desires

August 26, 2023 – 11:39 pm | Comments Off on A Tale of Two Desires588 views

Life is a tale of two desires. Sometimes, I think I know what I want, and I think that if I only had that, I would be happy. Then the darndest thing happens. I get what I thought would make me happy, and I am still not happy. What does …

Unity With Differences

September 10, 2022 – 11:34 pm | Comments Off on Unity With Differences778 views

Which is better, unity with differences or unity without differences? Most people would say unity without differences is better, but Judaism underlines unity with differences.
An ancient Jewish ritual called bikurim, saw Jews bring an annual basket of fruit from their homesteads to Jerusalem. These baskets were placed before the altar …

Ki Tavo: The Joy Imperative

August 20, 2021 – 2:17 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: The Joy Imperative950 views

Joy is an imperative in the Jewish tradition. In describing the terrible calamities in store for our people if we turn from G-d, the Torah says it will occur, “because you did not serve G-d, your G-d, with happiness and gladness of heart, when [you had an] abundance of everything.”[1]
In …

Ki Tavo: Removed the Holy

August 29, 2020 – 10:58 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: Removed the Holy313,256 views

In ancient Jerusalem, Jews would go the Temple every three years and proclaim, “I have removed the holy [portion] from my home.” What does it mean to remove the holy portion from the house?
Here is the background. Every year, the field owner would give a portion of his crop to …

Ki Tavo: The Enduring Soul

September 14, 2019 – 11:13 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: The Enduring Soul1,494 views

The enduring soul is our secret weapon.
If you were Abraham, a lonely man of faith, surrounded by powerful pagan nations who opposed your every effort to teach monotheism, would you believe that you would change the world? If you were alive in 069 and watched the powerful Roman army burn …

Ki Tavo: Onward to Israel

August 25, 2018 – 9:53 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: Onward to Israel2,278 views

Israel is our homeland. It is a holy and G-dly land on which G-d keeps a very careful eye. Our sages taught that the very air one breathes in Israel makes one wise to the ways of Torah. Our sages used to bend to kiss the stones of Israel when …

Ki Tavo: A Matter of Perspective

September 2, 2017 – 10:39 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: A Matter of Perspective2,680 views

Blessing and Curse
When you stand in Samaria, in the city of Shechem (Nablus), and look south and north, you quickly gain perspective. You see, Shechem is nestled between two great mountains, mount Gerizim to its south and Mount Ebal to its north. Gerizim has a natural spring, and is semi …

Ki Tavo: Reach Out

September 17, 2016 – 11:35 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: Reach Out2,556 views

Cell Phone Reach Out
Good news for all those who have been trying to reach me via cell, text or other forms of digital communication. My withdrawal from the cell phone world has come to an end. My service provider delivered my new cell phone and I am connected again. But …