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Articles in B’Har

Are We Equal?

May 18, 2024 – 10:56 pm | Comments Off on Are We Equal?220 views

Are we truly equal? We all know someone smarter, wiser, more capable, industrious, resourceful, or creative, than us. We also know people less wise, capable, industrious, resourceful, or creative than us. So, are we truly equal?
The answer is yes, but not because we are all equally capable. Our skill sets …

Personal Liberation

May 15, 2022 – 5:25 pm | Comments Off on Personal Liberation877 views

Personal liberation from insecurity, worry, fear, doubt, or obsession, have been on my mind lately because I recently turned fifty. I am not usually one to dwell on birthdays, but this benchmark is not easily dismissed. Not because fifty seems old. It stopped seeming old a long time ago. But …

Behar Bechukosai: Fool Yourself

May 1, 2021 – 11:20 pm | Comments Off on Behar Bechukosai: Fool Yourself1,105 views

Do you ever fool yourself? The answer is likely yes because we all do. Every time you something wrong and find a circuitous argument to justify your behavior, you fool yourself.
The Torah forbids defrauding others in business. When you sell or buy from your fellow, do not wrong him. If …

B’har B’chukotai: The Workweek

May 9, 2020 – 11:15 pm | Comments Off on B’har B’chukotai: The Workweek1,466 views

The workweek is mundane, Shabbat is holy. Right? Well, maybe not. Let’s take a closer look.
The Torah presents the laws of the Sabbatical year. For six years, work your fields, on the seventh year you shall rest. This is remarkably similar in both content and language to Shabbat—for six days …

B’har: To Be Happy

May 25, 2019 – 11:32 pm | Comments Off on B’har: To Be Happy1,749 views

Happy is the farmer who learns to trust in G-d. When Jewish farmers in Israel let their fields lie fallow on the Sabbatical year, they leave their fate to G-d. How do they feed their families if they don’t plant all year? G-d instructs us not to worry about that …

B’har B’chukotai: True Freedom

May 6, 2018 – 8:19 am | Comments Off on B’har B’chukotai: True Freedom2,713 views

Freedom is one of humanity’s fundamental goas. Ever since Moses trumpeted the call, “let my people go,” people the world over valued and treasured freedom. Yet we sometimes apply freedom too narrowly. When we see a person indentured into servitude we chafe at the unfairness of it. When we see …

B’har Bechukotai: Grassroots Jews

May 13, 2017 – 11:49 pm | Comments Off on B’har Bechukotai: Grassroots Jews2,720 views

Is It You?
Every movement likes to call itself “grassroots” because that means it arose from the people. It is better to lead a movement that everyone wants than a movement whose momentum is artificially generated. Grassroots means that the people’s desire generated the movement. When the desire generates a movement, …

Behar: Alone In The World

May 22, 2016 – 1:47 am | Comments Off on Behar: Alone In The World5,696 views

Next month will mark the fortieth anniversary of Israel’s finest hour, the hostage rescue at Entebbe. When the crisis began in June of 1976, Israel firmly believed that the fate of the Jewish hostages was the legal responsibility of France, under whose flag the airplane had flown when it was …