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Before New Year’s Day, 2000, the New York Times created a mock front page for New Year’s Day, 2100. They concocted all kinds of news stories for the front page, and since New Year’s will fall on Friday that year, the editors added the time for Shabbat candle lighting. At …

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Home » Chayei Sara, Life Is Beautiful, Marriage

Chayei Sarah: The Matchmaker

Submitted by on October 25, 2006 – 9:34 pmNo Comment | 3,022 views

A Modern Courtship

The Patriarch Isaac met the Matriarch Rebbecca through the mediation of an expert matchmaker, but matchmaking has long since gone out of vogue.
Had Isaac and Rebecca met in the modern age their courtship might have looked something like this. Isaac would notice Rebbecca at the well and take in her good looks. From the corner of his eye he would fix her with a surreptitious gaze, which she would briefly acknowledge, then coyly turn away.
At that point I suppose Isaac would have sauntered over to Rebbecca and invited her to a cup of coffee. After an initial blush she would shrug him off. No one likes to appear overly eager these days lest the feelings are not reciprocated. He would insist and she, secretly happy, would appear to reluctantly relent.
They would spend their first meeting making an impression. Isaac would appear gallant and hope to make her laugh while Rebbecca would strike an interested, yet noncommittal pose. Each would wonder what the other thought, but neither would dare to ask.
The answer would come several days later in the form of a second invitation. Once again the invitation would appear casual, but would in fact be the product of much planning and  agony. One date would lead to another. They would talk, dine and enjoy each other’s company, but the unchartered waters of marriage would remain unexamined.
They would go in circles. Each wondering what the other was thinking, but too scared to probe. Each focused on the other’s feelings, but too hesitant to disclose their own.
People would ask Rebbecca if she had a boy-friend and she would shyly smile and say,  “Yes.” “Are you going to marry him?” “I don’t know.” “Do you want to?” “Well of course!” “So why don’t you?” “Well, we don’t speak of such things!”
People would ask Isaac when he was going to propose and he would say, “I’m not sure Rebbecca is ready.” “Have you asked?” “What, you expect me to ask ?” And so it would go, round and round for months, till one of them would pluck up the courage and finally pop the question.

A Shidduch

Fortunately it didn’t work out that way for Isaac and Rebbecca. They were spared this agony when their parents treated them to a Shidduch. That’s right, an arranged marriage. Eliezer, Abraham’s servant, was a superb matchmaker. Dispatched by Abraham to find the perfect bride he returned with Rebbecca in tow. They never hesitated and were married the very next day.
Did they love each other on their wedding day? No. They barely even knew each other. It was only later, after the wedding, when they moved in together, that they discovered their admiration for each other and finally, their love. (1)
Dispassionate? Unromantic? Maybe, but let’s take a closer look at the Shidduch system.

The System

Young men and women submit their applications to a matchmaker matchmaker - innerstreamwho screens all applicants to determine their interests, characters, personalities and needs. Carefully matching up the parties, the matchmaker ensures that neither gentleman nor lady date those with whom they share little in common.
When the young couple go out on a date they treat their encounter with sensitivity and pragmatism. They don’t circle around each other, they launch into frank discussion. They are there to examine what they have in common, if there is chemistry between them and if they find each other favorable.
They are immediately comfortable with subjects that are, in other systems, left untouched for months. Questions such as, what do you want out of life and what kind of family do you envision are comfortably broached. Families, personalities, hopes and aspirations are all open to discussion. They each try to paint a picture of the life they hope to lead.
If their pictures are compatible and if they enjoy a degree of chemistry, then they have discovered a foundation upon which their marriage can be built. If they are incompatible or if they lack chemistry they simply discontinue the relationship and move on with dignity and amity.
I know what you’re thinking. “Rabbi, it all sounds so neat and business like, but where is the romance? How can they propose to someone they’ve known for only one week? They know so little about each other and cannot possibly be in love!”

A Gateway

In the Shidduch system marriage is seen as a gateway. A gateway through which one enters into enchantment, romance and love. True love is not created in a day. It takes decades to develop. In our world of instant gratification this is difficult to appreciate, but it is nonetheless true. Admiration and infatuation can be created in a day. Love takes time.
True love is formed by living a mutual life for many years. True love is fashioned when you share so much in common that you cannot imagine life without each other. A couple in love do not need to discuss an issue to know what the other might think.
In the Shidduch system, husband and wife are not focused on their wedding day, but on the decades to come. On their wedding day they are content to share a foundation of mutual admiration, commitment and respect. A foundation on which they will build their marriage and develop their love.
If the fundamentals are sound and a commitment to long-term marriage is in place, the  details can be resolved out and the obstacles overcome. True love will be free to blossom.
Rooted in respect and admiration, strengthened by devotion and commitment and laced with happiness and love, such a marriage is a tribute to G-d. Such was the marriage of the Patriarch Isaac and the Matriarch Rebbecca.


  1. Genesis 24. See also Rashi’s commentary to verse 67.