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Sukkot: From the Fast to the Party

October 6, 2019 – 12:12 am | Comments Off on Sukkot: From the Fast to the Party

The party begins on Sukkot. The first ten days of the year are somber. Rosh Hashanah is the day of judgement, then next week are the days of repentance, and Yom Kippur is the fast. After the fast, our festivals take a radical turn and we move from the fast …

Shabbat Shuvah: The Uplifting Return

October 3, 2019 – 10:41 am | Comments Off on Shabbat Shuvah: The Uplifting Return

The uplifting return that marks the first ten days of the Hebrew calendar year is expressed in the name that tradition has assigned to this Shabbat: Shabbat Shuvah, the Shabbat of return. In English, when we speak of regret and of turning over a new leaf, we call it repentance. …

Rosh Hashanah: Without A Crutch

September 22, 2019 – 2:11 pm | Comments Off on Rosh Hashanah: Without A Crutch

A crutch can help you get past a difficult hump, but a crutch can also be a trap. When the time comes to discard the crutch, the crutch becomes a trap if you lack the courage to go without it. Athletes famously hold on to crutches. Wade Boggs was a …

Ki Tavo: The Enduring Soul

September 14, 2019 – 11:13 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: The Enduring Soul

The enduring soul is our secret weapon.
If you were Abraham, a lonely man of faith, surrounded by powerful pagan nations who opposed your every effort to teach monotheism, would you believe that you would change the world? If you were alive in 069 and watched the powerful Roman army burn …

Ki Teze: The Size of a Mitzvah

September 7, 2019 – 10:18 pm | Comments Off on Ki Teze: The Size of a Mitzvah

G-d did not disclose the nature of the reward that we receive for performing a Mitzvah so that we would not give preference to any ne Mitzvah over another. However, lest we assume that difficult-to-perform-mitzvot are more important than those that come easily, the Torah presents us with two mitzvot …

Shoftim: A True Enemy

August 31, 2019 – 11:05 pm | Comments Off on Shoftim: A True Enemy

A true enemy attacks you because he wants to destroy you. You did nothing wrong, you didn’t offend him, molest him, or steal from him, yet, he attacks because your existence bothers him.
The Torah tells us that when the enemy attacks, we must not fear him even if he appears …

Re’e: The Cellphone Problem

August 24, 2019 – 11:00 pm | Comments Off on Re’e: The Cellphone Problem

Cellphone, a word my grandmother never heard, is a huge part of my life. People, the world over, communicate via cell phone to the extent that landlines are being phased out and snail mail is a thing of the past. But the convenience comes with a price. In fact, many …

Ekev: Why We Eat

August 18, 2019 – 2:16 pm | Comments Off on Ekev: Why We Eat

We eat because we must live, but according to the Torah, eating is even more important than life.
One of the most profound messages in the Torah is captured in this verse. “Man does not live on bread alone, but on the word of G-d.” There are many layers of meaning …