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Articles in Life Cycle

Giving Is The Secret To Happiness

April 7, 2024 – 8:06 am | Comments Off on Giving Is The Secret To Happiness303 views

Giving is the secret to happiness. People who think they can be happy from taking or even receiving quickly learn how wrong they are. Do you think Vladimir Putin will be happier if he takes Ukraine? Well, ask him if taking the Crimea made him happy. If he were happy …

Living is Giving

December 11, 2023 – 9:38 pm | Comments Off on Living is Giving351 views
living is giving

Living is giving is one of the themes of this week’s Torah portion. Joseph rose to prominence in Egypt because of his ability to interpret Pharoh’s dreams. He accurately predicted a seven-year period of plenty when all harvests would be bountiful. The Middle East would enter a phase of incalculable …

Personal Liberation

May 15, 2022 – 5:25 pm | Comments Off on Personal Liberation876 views

Personal liberation from insecurity, worry, fear, doubt, or obsession, have been on my mind lately because I recently turned fifty. I am not usually one to dwell on birthdays, but this benchmark is not easily dismissed. Not because fifty seems old. It stopped seeming old a long time ago. But …

Vayechi: Priorities

December 11, 2021 – 8:09 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: Priorities1,401 views

What are your priorities in life?
Every Jewish parent knows that when it comes to blessing our children, Ephraim comes first. This is rooted in a passage in this week’s Torah portion. “He [Jacob] blessed them on that day saying, ‘With you Israel will bless, ‘may G-d make you like Ephraim …

Passover and Mashiach

March 30, 2021 – 12:19 am | Comments Off on Passover and Mashiach1,239 views

Passover commemorates the first redemption of the Jewish people from exile. I am sure it was fun to celebrate Passover while we enjoyed the fruits of that redemption, while we were living in Israel, free and independent in our land. But sadly, our people have been exiled again several times …

Chayei Sarah: Personal Agenda

November 7, 2020 – 9:19 pm | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Personal Agenda1,678 views

Did you ever do a favor for another while harboring a personal agenda? If yes, would you ever admit it?
Abraham sent his servant Eliezer to Mesopotamia to seek a bride for Isaac among his relatives. Eliezer asked what to do if perchance the bride refused to return with him to …

Vaetchanan: True Love

August 11, 2019 – 11:11 pm | Comments Off on Vaetchanan: True Love1,976 views
priest - innerstream

G-d wants our love. How much love does He want? Whatever we are prepared to give, and then some.
“And you shall love G-d with all your heart, with all your life, and with all your might.”[1] This verse demands that we give G-d three kinds of love. The love of …

Matot Masei: Your Daughter

July 28, 2019 – 12:32 am | Comments Off on Matot Masei: Your Daughter1,501 views

Your daughter is born, and you rejoice. You revel with your wife, children, family and friends; there is a new addition to the family. Right? Well only in part. Your daughter is yours, but she is also part of a different family.
The Torah tells us about the daughters of Zelophehad, …