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Articles in Military

Ki Tavo: The Ice Bucket Challenge

September 8, 2014 – 9:41 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: The Ice Bucket Challenge3,081 views
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An amazing thought struck me. When ice buckets started to rain down on North America, rockets stopped raining down on Israel. I was curious to see if this was true so I went on line to research it.


Shoftim: Unity

August 23, 2014 – 10:59 pm | Comments Off on Shoftim: Unity2,916 views
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Reports and Plans
This week we enter the month of Elul, the last month and culmination of the entire year. By Jewish tradition, Elul is a month of reflection and introspection. We review our behavior of the past year and generate an end of year report. Just as you receive an …

Masei: The Origins of Terror

July 18, 2014 – 6:35 pm | Comments Off on Masei: The Origins of Terror2,580 views
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Terror Springs From Misery
If you repeat a lie often enough people begin to believe it. The claim that terror is caused by misery and poverty is one such example. It is so often repeated that a guilt ridden West has come to accept it. But no matter how oft a …

K’doshim: Drafting Charedim

April 23, 2014 – 9:56 pm | Comments Off on K’doshim: Drafting Charedim3,702 views
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The Great Argument
Once again, the nation of Israel is embroiled in fierce debate over the rights of Charedi (strictly observant) students to defer their army service until after the conclusion of their studies. The Charedi community wants to maintain the arrangement negotiated in 1948. They argue that drafting their students …

Canukah: Despite the Odds

November 21, 2013 – 6:50 pm | Comments Off on Canukah: Despite the Odds9,598 views
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The Source of Light
In the course of life there are times of joy and of melancholy. When we are surrounded by friends and a constructive support network, when we are successful at home and at work, when we are satisfied with personal progress and development it is easy to coast …

Ki Tetze: Unity Saves Lives

August 9, 2013 – 1:27 am | Comments Off on Ki Tetze: Unity Saves Lives6,761 views
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Unity in War
In June of 1967 we saw clearly that unity saves lives. If you review the events that led to the six-day-war you will find that Egypt, Jordan and Syria, the nations that attacked Israel, led a coordinated pre-war campaign, whereas Israel was internally divided on how to address …

Behar: When Bin Laden Was Gone

May 8, 2011 – 2:43 am | Comments Off on Behar: When Bin Laden Was Gone4,616 views
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Good Things Are Worth Waiting For
One of CNN’s first articles the morning after Osama Bin Laden’s assassination featured reaction from people on the streets of America. One reaction that drew my attention was, “I never thought this day would come; I had given up hope.”


Passover: The Freedom To Commit

April 17, 2011 – 2:56 am | Comments Off on Passover: The Freedom To Commit5,028 views Torah Insights into Life and Jewish Observance

The Burden of Freedom
What does freedom mean to you? Thousands of people dream every day of wealth, fame and freedom from life’s drudgery. They are tired of poverty and penny counting, tired of overworking and constantly answering to employers. They want wealth and power; they want to be free.Those who …