Articles in Animal Rights
Bereshit: Human Centric

For millennia it was believed that the world is human centric, but science has slowly chipped away at this assumption.
From the day the first astronomer focused his gaze on the distant stars, humans postulated that our planet sits at the center of the universe and serves as the focal point …
Toldot: Hunting is not a Jewish Sport

Although hunting is not as common as it used to be, it remains a popular sport around the world. This essay explores why hunting has never been considered a Jewish sport.
A Jew once asked Rabbi Yechezkel Landau, the 18th century chief rabbi of Cracow, whether hunting is permissible. Rabbi Landau …
Vayikra: The Power to Please

The Sin Offering
The sacrificial offerings in the Temple secured atonement for the inadvertent sins of their bearers. This prompts a question: To bring such offerings is a Divine commandment, how does fulfilling one commandment atone for transgressing another? If your student failed to do his homework but was respectful during …
Re’eh: Animal Rights

The Golden Mean
The world is full of animal rights activists who stand in the breach and protect our animals. They work to save endangered species and prevent animal abuse.
Ekev: Animal Lovers

Caring for Your Pet
From time immemorial people have raised animals, but they didn’t always love them. Early animal domesticators put their animals to work. Wolves and later dogs were used as hunting tools. Cattle and fowl were either slaughtered for food or kept for wool, milk and eggs. Horses and …
K’doshim: Is Crossbreeding Permitted?

Throughout history farmers and breeders experimented with crossbreeding seeking the most enduring specimen. Despite the popularity of this practice we Jews must ask, is crossbreeding permitted?
Ki Tavo: Doing It G-d’s Way

Declaring Faith
As they entered the Holy Land our ancestors were instructed to inscribe the entire Torah on huge stones and display it for all to see. This was a declaration of faith in G-d. Entering the Holy Land was a new beginning that would require additional Divine protection and when …
Vayikra: Is Animal Sacrifice Cruel?

Is it Condoned?
“Rabbi,” I am often implored, “Please don’t tell me that the Torah condones animal sacrifice.” Many believe that animal sacrifice is immoral and ought to be discarded in the modern, enlightened age. When I reply that animal sacrifice is still condoned and that should the temple be erected …