Articles in Bereishit
Lech L’cha: Stand Up for faith
She Chose to Sit
Rosa Parks, “symbol of the civil rights movement,” became famous in 1955 when she refused to give up her seat to a white passenger on a bus in Montgomery Alabama. She was arrested, tried and convicted for violating a local ordinance but her small act of defiance …
Lech L’cha: Blood Is Thicker
Going To War
We All know the story. Marauding armies captured Lot when they conquered the rebellious cities of Sedom and Amorah. Upon hearing that Lot was in captivity, Avraham, his servant Eliezer and a handful of men, chased his captors in an effort to liberate Lot. Avraham succeeded and was …
Lech L’cha: The Truly Meaningful
Oh, He Finally Noticed?
Our Parsha speaks of the journey made by Avraham and his wife Sarah to the land of Egypt. Fearing for Sarah’s safety in the face of Egyptian immorality, he said to her “ Behold I have noticed that you are beautiful”, and proceeded to outline a plan …
Noach: Eternal Rays of Light
The Sunset
Several years ago, I sat with my family at the shores of Lake Huron enjoying a picturesque sunset. The sun descended over the water in a spectacular ball of fire and painted the cloudless sky in deep hues of purple and red. Enchanted by the majesty of the moment, …
Vayera: Generosity Pays
A Pillar of Salt
G-d destroyed the city of Sedom but saved Lot and his family. As they were escaping the angel instructed them to look forward. “Don’t look behind you, lest you be swept away” (in G-d’s wrath.) Lot didn’t look back but his wife did and she was cruelly …
Lech L’cha: The Power of Blessing
Two Anomalies
In our Parsha G-d makes a powerful promise to Avraham, one we would all have loved to receive. “And I shall bless those who bless you, and he who curses you shall be cursed.” Upon examination, the reader will notice two anomalies.
Chayei Sarah: Reasons of Infinity
I am a Servant
In our Parsha we read that Eliezer, servant of Avraham, traveled to Charan to seek Rivkah’s hand in marriage to Yitzchak. When he appeared before her family he prefaced his presentation with the words, “I am a servant of Avraham.” The Talmud teaches that even the casual …
Noach: Heaven and Earth
Regret and Comfort
G-d created man and then placed him on earth. But when man rebelled against morality G-d had second thoughts and brought about the flood. In describing these second thoughts the Torah uses the word “Vayinachem”, a Hebrew word that has two meanings, (a) he regretted, (b) he was comforted. …