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Before New Year’s Day, 2000, the New York Times created a mock front page for New Year’s Day, 2100. They concocted all kinds of news stories for the front page, and since New Year’s will fall on Friday that year, the editors added the time for Shabbat candle lighting. At …

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Home » The Jewish Faith

The Jewish Faith: Moshiach – The Messiah

Submitted by on November 6, 2005 – 4:41 amNo Comment | 6,789 views

A Miraculous Time

The eager hope
for an imminent and expedient arrival of the messianic age has always
been a fundamental cornerstone of the Jewish faith. To understand the
reason for why the centrality of Moshiach we must first explain the
Jewish tradition of the messianic era.

Jews believe
that in messianic times the world will reach a direct and complete
understanding of the Divine. G-d will reveal himself to an extent that
would make it possible for us to perceive him through our physical eyes
When glancing at a physical object, we will see the divine creative
power that lies at the essence of creation.

During this time
we will reach an unprecedented unity with G-d. We will attach ourselves
to him to the greatest fullest extent. This will be a complete
realization of our goals in the service of G-d.

The messianic
era will also be a miraculous time. Countless miracles that are
destined for that time have been related to us through the prophets.
Absolute peace in the world, the curing of all illness, solution to all
problems and the revival of the dead are but a few of the miraculous
phenomena that await us in that day.

A complete
analysis of the messianic era would require many pages and is certainly
beyond the scope of this essay. Suffice it to say that when G-d created
the world He charged the Jewish nation with a special mission.

Our mission is
to bring G-d closer to our world through the propagation of his torah
and Mitzvos. Slowly, as the divine sanctity is drawn into our world,
our environment is uplifted and prepared to receive the incredible aura
of Moshiach.

Moshiach, has been and always will be the central reason for Jewish life, faith and tradition.