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Copyright Notice

Copyright Notice

The content on our site is published for us by   Net-Presence.ca, and is copyrighted by the author, publisher and/or  InnerStream. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you comply with our copyright policy:

  1. If you wish to publish or otherwise reproduce this article on a website, or in a periodical or book, please contact us.
  2. You may freely pass on this article to your friends and acquaintances via e-mail and printouts, subject to the following restrictions:
    • You do not revise any part of it in any way, append no additions to it, or delete any part of it.
    • When you credit the author, please add a link to InnerStream.org (in a printed copy, the full URL should be spelled out), and include the following note:

The content in this page is published by  InnerStream.org, and is copyrighted by the author and/or InnerStream.org.
If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further,  provided that you do not revise any part of it, and you include this  note, credit the author, and link to www.InnerStream.org.   If you wish to republish this article in a periodical, book, or website, please email  publisher@InnerStream.ca.



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