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Lecture Titles

Looking for a dynamic captivating speaker
for your next event, workshop or Shabbaton?

Rabbi ‘Lazer’ Gurkow, with over twenty years of extensive public speaking experience can help make it an unqualified success. Whether you need a full-day presentation, a captivating keynote speech or an informal half-day retreat with your community, you’ll find a variety of compelling, timely topics to meet your requirements.

Here is a list of presentation topics Rabbi Gurkow has delivered in recent months:


  • Just Who is the Better half? Harmony and Respect in a Loving Relationship
  • When One Plus One Equals One: The power of a Loving Relationship
  • Falling in Love or growing to Love: Love, Like Wine, Improves with Age
  • It’s been Two Thousand Years: Can We Still be in Love?
  • Having Sex or Making Love: The intimate Union of Body and Soul

Torah Responses to Social Dilemmas

  • Tolerating Tolerance : Does a Torah of Absolute Values Encourage Tolerance?
  • A Jewish Right to A Jewish Land: Do We Give It Away ‘Cause Someone Else Wants It?
  • On The Issue of Human Shields: Must I Die to Protect The Shield?
  • Exploring the Theme of our Generation: If it Feels Good – Do it
  • Does Scientific Fact Equal Biblical Truth? DNA and Torah Law
  • Can We Decide An Embryo’s Fate? Infertility & Torah Law
  • If You Only Really Need One, Why Did G-d Give You Two Kidneys? Organ Donation In Jewish Law


  • Searching for Me and Finding G-d : The Contribution of Chassidus to Jewish Life
  • Planting Seeds of Happiness in the Fertile soil of Life
  • The Kabbala of Jewish Meditation : Where the Mundane Meets the G-dly
  • Seeking An Anchor In A World Of Shifting Values : Finding the G-d In Good
  • The Soul’s Silent Voice : In the Drowning Din of Life
  • Why Does Ritual Leave Me Uninspired: What Can I tell My Children To Enrich Their Ritual Experience?
  • The Wrestling Match: When Your Inner Beast Finds Its Match

Afterlife & Reincarnation

  • So What Really Happens on the Other Side?
  • The Afterlife: A Torah perspective
  • What Lies Ahead? A Dead End or A New Beginning?
  • Have I Been Here Before? Reincarnation: A Torah perspective
  • Noah and Moses  : One and the Same?  Reincarnation in Torah Lore


  • Prayer: Landmarks In The Journey Of Life
  • Prayer Across the Generations: Historical Overview of the Development of Prayer
  • Minyastics in Prayer : The Value of Private Vs. Congregational prayer
  • A Voice from the Heart : Communicating with G-d through Prayer
  • Crossing the Gender Barrier : Men and Women in Prayer

The Oral Tradition

  • How Many Torahs Are There Anyway? An Argument for the Oral Tradition
  • Divine Inspiration or Rabbinic Innovation: The Interplay between Torah and Rabbinic Tradition
  • Torah Across the Generations: Historical Overview of the Oral Tradition
  • Flexing the Inflexible : The History of Rabbinic Judaism