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Vayelech : Why We are Here

October 6, 2005 – 5:51 pm | Comments Off on Vayelech : Why We are Here
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A Perfect G-d
The High Holiday liturgy marks Rosh Hashanah as the anniversary of creation, a good time to ponder the meaning of creation and of life. (1) Was there a purpose? Does this purpose endow our life with meaning?


Niztavim: The Art of Repentance

October 6, 2005 – 3:21 pm | Comments Off on Niztavim: The Art of Repentance
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A Simple MeditationRabbi Levik of Bardichev once interviewed a long list of candidates for the position of Shofar blower. (One who sounds the ram’s horn during the service on Rosh Hashana.) The rabbi passed over many illustrious scholars and profound meditators in favor of a fairly unsophisticated young man.


Noach: Heaven and Earth

October 2, 2005 – 12:36 am | Comments Off on Noach: Heaven and Earth

Regret and Comfort
G-d created man and then placed him on earth. But when man rebelled against morality G-d had second thoughts and brought about the flood. In describing these second thoughts the Torah uses the word “Vayinachem”, a Hebrew word that has two meanings, (a) he regretted, (b) he was comforted. …

Ki Tavo : The art of gratitude

September 21, 2005 – 11:16 am | Comments Off on Ki Tavo : The art of gratitude
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Many Helping Hands
Ben Zoma used to say,”How many labors Adam carried out before he obtained bread to eat! He plowed, he sowed, he reaped, he bound, he threshed and winnowed and selected the ears, he ground, and sifted, he kneaded and baked, and then at last he ate; whereas I …

Ki Tetze : The Struggle to Improve

September 16, 2005 – 6:09 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tetze : The Struggle to Improve
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The Wayward Son
He was a glutton for meat and drank alcohol to excess. He disobeyed his parents at every turn, mocking their pleas and their attempts at discipline. He refused accept instruction. Instead he sought to instruct his parents.. He demanded that they pay for his excessive habits, and when …

Shoftim : A Refuge from Sin

September 5, 2005 – 8:54 pm | Comments Off on Shoftim : A Refuge from Sin
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Should we Forgive?
He is usually a considerate and loving husband but this time was different. During a heated argument he lost his temper and hurled vicious insults at his wife . He was in the grip of rage but never meant to be hurtful. He quickly stopped himself, apologized and …

Re’e: The Loan, the Escort and the Attachment

August 26, 2005 – 1:15 am | Comments Off on Re’e: The Loan, the Escort and the Attachment
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Remembering the Levite
In the course of this Parsha, the Torah exhorts us no fewer than six times to share our blessings with the tribe of Levi. We are reminded not only to share with the Levites but also to remember them and, furthermore, never to forget them. It is uncommon …

Masei: Same Sex Marriage Part Three

August 4, 2005 – 3:20 am | Comments Off on Masei: Same Sex Marriage Part Three

This essay is not related to the Parsha of the week but is posted here
because the subject has recently become a household topic of discussion
[Part Three of Three]
Same Sex Marriage

Part Three
A Question of Definition
The debate on same sex
marriage has focused in part on the distinction between same sex
marriage and same …