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Before New Year’s Day, 2000, the New York Times created a mock front page for New Year’s Day, 2100. They concocted all kinds of news stories for the front page, and since New Year’s will fall on Friday that year, the editors added the time for Shabbat candle lighting. At …

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Vatchanan:The Loss of a Leader

Submitted by on July 23, 2006 – 5:17 amNo Comment | 2,432 views

They Cried

Our Parsha this week begins with Moses’ report to the Jewish people that he would not lead them into the land of Israel. The Midrash relates a fascinating tale that occurred at that time. Jews bemoaned the future loss of their beloved leader Moses, Joshua mourned and rent his garments, G-d cried bitter tears and the angels “fell on their faces” attempting to understand the Divine tears.

A Parable

G-d offered the following parable to the angels.: There was once a Crown Prince who often rebelled against the kingdom and angered his father. Despite his anger the king never punished his son for the queen would intercede and plead on his behalf. One day the queen passed on and the king would not be consoled. He mourned not only the loss of his wife but also the protector of his son. “Who will now the save the prince,” he wailed.

The Protector

We, the Jewish people, are the Crown Prince and the king is of course our father in heaven. Moses acted as the queen, constantly interceding before the almighty on our behalf. G-d mourned Moses passing because he foresaw the destruction of the temple and the eventual deportation of his children into exile. He foresaw the crusades, expulsions, inquisitions, pogroms, the holocaust, Communism, and anti-Semitism, He cried bitterly for it.

The Moses  of Today

Absent a leader like Moses in our generation we need to act in his stead. Moses always interceded before G-d and defended the Jewish people despite their actions. He believed in our nation despite our downfalls. Let us resolve to be like Moses and may G-d smile down upon us from above. May he turn our night into day, our darkness into light and our fast into celebration. Amen!