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Articles tagged with: absolute commitment

Vayakhel Pekudei: The Heart of a Relationship

March 11, 2012 – 3:36 am | Comments Off on Vayakhel Pekudei: The Heart of a Relationship147 views
Aron Hakodesh

The Ark
It was a building party. Hammers banging on anvils, saws cutting through wood, artisans weaving designs, all crafting, fashioning, designing and building a magnificent home for G-d. They set up the structure and spread out her covers. They readied the altars, show table and candelabra, but before those could …

B’midbar Forward Vision

May 13, 2007 – 4:08 am | Comments Off on B’midbar Forward Vision5,411 views
forward vision innerstream

Hair-Raising Drive
A friend of mine and his father were driving in the dead of night on a treacherous mountain road with razor-sharp curves and sheer cliff drops. His father seemed oblivious to the danger and drove along nonchalantly. When he inquired as to his father’s nonchalance, his father replied, “my …

B’haalotcha: The Silent Flame

June 14, 2006 – 4:47 pm | Comments Off on B’haalotcha: The Silent Flame2,815 views
Flame from HEaven

Hardly any Splash at all
One of the criteria by which professional high divers are rated is their smooth water entrance and the resultant splash factor.
