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Articles tagged with: arrogance

Terumah: The Crown

February 6, 2016 – 9:56 pm | Comments Off on Terumah: The Crown3,139 views
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For G-d
Three of the Temple’s sacred vessels had crowns around their perimeter. There was a crown around the incense altar, a crown around the show-table and a crown around the holy ark. Our sages taught, the crown around the altar was taken by Aaron, whose children were destined for the …

Vaera: The Bane of Arrogance

January 2, 2016 – 9:09 pm | Comments Off on Vaera: The Bane of Arrogance3,548 views
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Judaism has unique ideas, ones you’d be hard pressed to find anywhere else. For example, Judaism teaches that the king (for that matter the president, prime minister or any other kind of leader) be the humblest in all of society. While arrogance is a sin for all people, it is …

Bo: The Curse of Wealth

January 10, 2013 – 1:48 pm | Comments Off on Bo: The Curse of Wealth3,921 views
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Too Rich To Care
The curse of wealth is well documented. People win the lottery, find themselves with more money than they know what to do with and before long are besieged by friends who want a handout, strangers who encourage foolish investments and con artists who seek to clean them …

Toldot: What Is In A Name?

December 4, 2005 – 2:52 am | Comments Off on Toldot: What Is In A Name?2,477 views
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Jacob and Esau – Twin Brothers
We are told that Esau, the older brother, physically mature at birth. The Hebrew name Esav means ‘finished’, or complete, indicating that he completed his growth process. Jacob, the second son, emerged in hot pursuit with his tiny hand tightly clasping his brother’s heel. The …