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Articles tagged with: assimilation

Vayishlach: O Brother

November 17, 2018 – 9:12 pm | Comments Off on Vayishlach: O Brother1,992 views

It had been thirty-four years since Jacob escaped his brother Esau’s wrath. During this time Jacob had spent fourteen years studying Torah and twenty years building his family. He had descended to the immoral pit of his uncle Laban’s home, and emerged unaffected and even stronger for the ordeal. Esau, …

Purim: Reversring Assimilation

March 9, 2014 – 3:08 am | Comments Off on Purim: Reversring Assimilation6,894 views
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Inadvertent Slide
Purim celebrates the reversal of assimilation. The Talmud teaches that well before Haman, Jews in Persia had begun a slide into assimilation. There were Jews in the highest enclaves of commerce and government.[1] They were admitted into the most exclusive social clubs. And when the Persian king, Achashverosh, gave …

Chanukah: Naturally in Love with G-d

December 18, 2011 – 2:04 am | Comments Off on Chanukah: Naturally in Love with G-d3,042 views
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The Split
I once asked an audience to tell me which historical factor contributed most to our continuity and one fellow insisted that the correct answer was anti-Semitism. When the nations reject us we have no choice, but to turn inward. When the nations befriend and accept us we tend to blend into the global culture …