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Articles tagged with: birth

Toldot: Rebirth

November 2, 2021 – 10:03 am | Comments Off on Toldot: Rebirth1,095 views

Rebirth means to reexperience the novelty, excitement, innocence, mystery, and magic of birth even after many years of life. A baby’s birth, such as that of Jacob and Esau described in this week’s Torah portion, is a majestic moment. Everyone present is enchanted by the miracle; the creation of something …

Tazria: Reconciliation

March 23, 2014 – 5:37 am | Comments Off on Tazria: Reconciliation6,942 views
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Reversing the Order
The Torah mandates that after giving birth, mothers bring two offerings[1] in the following order. “She shall take two turtle doves or two young doves: one as a burnt offering and one as a sin offering.”[2] The burnt offering first, then the sin offering.


Balak: The Power of Birth

June 22, 2010 – 12:21 am | Comments Off on Balak: The Power of Birth3,075 views
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The Individual
Billam stood on a hilltop overlooking the Jewish camp. He was brought there to curse the Jews, but as his gaze fell upon their camp he beheld a vista of sanctity, nobility and rectitude. He couldn’t bring himself to curse them. And when he was prompted, he spoke the …