Articles tagged with: drinking
Vayera: Eat and Drink

Planting In A Well
“And [Abraham] planted an Eshel in B’er Sheva.” Eshel is an inn, a place to eat and drink,[1] strangers passing through B’er Sheva, were invited to Abraham’s tent to eat and drink. When they had their fill, Abraham would invite them to thank G-d for the food …
Purim : The Inebriated State

Holiday Revelry
My earliest Purim memories are joyous. Festive gatherings and celebrations were held in the synagogues while jubilation and dancing dominated the streets. Young and old, rich and poor, celebrated side by
side; jovial, reveling and genuinely happy.
Rabba’s Astonishing Purim

The Party
The Talmud relates a Purim story that at first glance seems astonishing. The great sage Rabba invited his contemporary Reb Zeira for the Purim Feast. During the course of dinner, intoxicated by wine, Rabba rose and slaughtered Reb Zeira. In the morning, Rabba prayed for a miracle and Reb …