Articles tagged with: ethics
Bo: G-d Gives, The Thief Taks

The Theft
When my family returned from a two day trip we found our home was burglarized. The thief broke a window to gain access, rifled through drawers, left a mess and walked away with a few meager items and a charity box. The things he took were just things; easily …
Korach: Moral Clarity

Subjective Morality
In a recent discussion group I asked if it is inherently immoral for a man to rape a woman. I was surprised by the willingness of some to tolerate the rapist. They conceded that rape was immoral from their own point of view, but argued that others might see …
Pinchas: Taking a Moral Stand

Moral Courage
Pinchas was a great man and, in our Parsha, was the man of the hour. His fellow Jews sunk to a moral low and their leaders were forced to choose between tolerance and moral vigilance.