Articles tagged with: gifts
Shavuot: A Gift of Self

A gift of self is a thrilling gift. There are many kinds of gifts, but we almost never give away our very selves. We reserve our self exclusively for us. Weddings are the only exception. They are thrilling occasions because bride and groom give each other the gift of self.
Our …
Vayetze: Building A Home

Three Places of Worship
Abraham Isaac and Jacob all served G-d on what would one day be the Temple Mount. Abraham called it a mountain, Isaac called it a field and Jacob called it a home.[1]
Vayikra: A Sincere Gift

The Thought Counts
A man once complained to me that his wife never appreciates the gifts he brings home for her. I asked him how much money he spends on himself and how much he spends for his wife. He acknowledged that he spends far more on himself then he does …