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Articles tagged with: happiness

Vayigash: A Special Moment

December 15, 2015 – 10:44 pm | Comments Off on Vayigash: A Special Moment2,790 views
special moment -

The Reunion
Do you know the feeling of meeting up with your spouse after being apart for several days or even weeks? How about seeing your child come home from school for the first time in months or seeing family members that live halfway across the world? It is a giddy …

Vayechi: Anguish

December 8, 2013 – 12:50 am | Comments Off on Vayechi: Anguish3,936 views
anguish - innerstream

No Break
If you have ever seen a Torah Scroll you know that it contains paragraph breaks. Some paragraphs are longer than others, but at the end of the paragraph there is usually a break, especially at the end of a portion. There are very few portions that are not preceded …

B’haalotcha: Live every Moment

June 3, 2012 – 5:54 am | Comments Off on B’haalotcha: Live every Moment3,411 views
live every moment

An Invitation
Just before the Jews departed Sinai, Moses invited his father in Law to join them. Jethro wasn’t a Jew from birth; he was a priest, who had converted first to monotheism and later Judaism. Moses was somewhat hesitant about his invitation as apparent from the following text.


Chayei Sarah: Man and Woman

November 13, 2011 – 3:18 am | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Man and Woman3,062 views
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Who Does the Chasing?
Mazal Tov, they’re engaged, soon to be married. When is the wedding? The date hasn’t been set yet; the invitations aren’t even printed. And how did they meet? Actually, he caught a glimpse of her one day and from that very first moment he knew she was …

Chayei Sarah: Like Mother Like Daughter

November 8, 2009 – 3:01 am | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Like Mother Like Daughter2,587 views
like m other like daughter - innerstream

Inner Joy
If you identify the source of happiness and bottle it you could be an instant millionaire. The problem is that true happiness cannot be granted or purchased; true happiness comes from within.
