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Articles tagged with: History

Toldot: The Secret of Jewish Survival

November 10, 2014 – 9:04 pm | Comments Off on Toldot: The Secret of Jewish Survival2,770 views
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Survival Throughout History
Blaise Pascal, French theologian and philosopher, wrote at length about the marvel of Jewish survival. Powerful kings have tried to destroy them, yet the Jews survived whereas the nations of Greece, Italy, Athens and Rome have long perished. It is said that when King Louis XIV of France …

Simchat Torah: Festival Of Transformation

October 12, 2014 – 12:28 pm | Comments Off on Simchat Torah: Festival Of Transformation2,649 views
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The Million Dollar Question
Everyone wonders about this. Why do we rejoice with the Torah at the end of the High Holiday season if the Torah was given in the late spring, on Shavuot? Should we not dance and rejoice over the Torah on the day it was given?
The obvious answer …

Bo: Hebrew Months

December 29, 2013 – 4:32 am | Comments Off on Bo: Hebrew Months5,012 views
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First Month
The Jewish calendar is confusing. The Hebrew months have names, but they are Persian in origin. Why do Hebrew months have Persian names? Another question: These names are not employed by the Five Books of Moses or the Books of the Prophets, when were they adopted into our culture?


Pinchas: Moses is You

June 25, 2013 – 1:49 pm | Comments Off on Pinchas: Moses is You6,309 views
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 The Past
There is a large cemetery in the annals of academia in which the past lies buried. This cemetery takes the form of history books monuments and museums. We visit our past, research and teach it, but we don’t live it. The past is simply, in the past. Judaism is …

Behar: When Bin Laden Was Gone

May 8, 2011 – 2:43 am | Comments Off on Behar: When Bin Laden Was Gone4,615 views
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Good Things Are Worth Waiting For
One of CNN’s first articles the morning after Osama Bin Laden’s assassination featured reaction from people on the streets of America. One reaction that drew my attention was, “I never thought this day would come; I had given up hope.”


Noach: Eternal Rays of Light

November 2, 2005 – 3:32 pm | Comments Off on Noach: Eternal Rays of Light2,642 views
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The Sunset
Several years ago, I sat with my family at the shores of Lake Huron enjoying a picturesque sunset. The sun descended over the water in a spectacular ball of fire and painted the cloudless sky in deep hues of purple and red. Enchanted by the majesty of the moment, …