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Articles tagged with: home

Mitzorah: The Jewish House

March 30, 2014 – 2:54 am | Comments Off on Mitzorah: The Jewish House7,902 views
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On the Walls
Tzaraat was a prevalent disease in Biblical times that presented in the form of lesions on skin, hair, clothing and even the walls of a Jewish house. Tzaraat wasn’t an ordinary condition produced by heat or humidity. Tzaraat was a Divinely ordained affliction in punishment for various sins.


Vayetze: Building A Home

November 3, 2013 – 1:09 am | Comments Off on Vayetze: Building A Home3,917 views
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Three Places of Worship
Abraham Isaac and Jacob all served G-d on what would one day be the Temple Mount. Abraham called it a mountain, Isaac called it a field and Jacob called it a home.[1]


Matot Masei: Israel and the Jews

July 17, 2012 – 6:26 pm | Comments Off on Matot Masei: Israel and the Jews3,429 views
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What Is It?
What is it with Israel and the Jews? Take me for example; my family hasn’t lived in Israel for centuries. In fact I don’t how far back I need to trace my family history to find my roots in Israel. I’ve lived in North America all my life, …

Vayetze: Are you Content?

November 9, 2010 – 8:35 pm | Comments Off on Vayetze: Are you Content?2,779 views
does israel belong to the jews - innerstream

A Reason to live
Are you content with life? You make a living, enjoy a circle of close-knit friends and are loved by family; does this suffice to contend?


Chayei Sarah: Feminine Success

November 20, 2005 – 10:23 pm | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: Feminine Success2,486 views
Lighting Shabbos Candles

Is G-d Coming for Dinner?
Imagine you were a guest in the home of our Matriarchs. According to this week’s Parsha you would share your lodgings with an illustrious roommate, the Almighty G-d.
