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April 22, 2007 – 3:21 am | Comments Off on Acharei Mot: G-d’s Space3,355 views

The Holiest Day
The nation had pinned their hopes on two young men. Rising stars of the Levitic tribe, they were hailed as leaders of the next generation. Pious, righteous, passionate and devoted, Aaron’s eldest sons were expected to respectively succeed their illustrious father and uncle.

Tragedy struck. Like a bolt of …

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Articles tagged with: honesty

Tazria: Holier Than Thou

March 30, 2019 – 11:39 pm | Comments Off on Tazria: Holier Than Thou2,708 views

Tazria: Holier Than Thou
Holier than thou is an expression that connotes false piety. It describes those who pass themselves off as holy when they aren’t. For example, those who give generous donations when others are looking, but nothing at all when no one takes notice. Or those who make sure …

Acharei: Be Upfront

April 30, 2017 – 1:01 am | Comments Off on Acharei: Be Upfront2,356 views

Mind Games
Too many people like to play mind games. They won’t be upfront and tell you that they are in hospital, but then they’ll complain when you don’t visit. They won’t tell you that they are in crisis, but will complain that you didn’t ask. They talk in riddles and …

Matot: Dishonesty

July 15, 2014 – 9:53 pm | Comments Off on Matot: Dishonesty6,167 views
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Social or Ritual?
They tell a story of a dying man, who called his son to his bedside. “Son,” he said, “let me tell you the two ironclad rules by which I ran my life. First, your word is gold. If you give it, you must keep it no matter the …

Korach: Excuses, Excuses

June 2, 2013 – 4:55 am | Comments Off on Korach: Excuses, Excuses4,693 views
excuses - innerstream

The Process of Sin
Korach is an infamous name, synonymous with his rebellion against Moses and Aaron. The truth is that Korach never set out to lead a rebellion, he set out to nurse a grudge, but gradually his interests grew more and more grandiose until he sparked a rebellion. This …

Vaeira: Seeking The Truth

January 11, 2010 – 4:54 pm | Comments Off on Vaeira: Seeking The Truth3,283 views
seeking the truth - innerstream

Snakes and Sticks
Sticks are straight and unbending. They neither deceive nor mislead; they are what they appear to be. Snakes are serpentine; twisted and curved they slither silently and slyly conceal their approach. Dishonest people are colloquially described as snakelike whereas honest people are described as straight; as the expression …

Mishpatim: A Debt to G-d

January 21, 2007 – 5:03 am | Comments Off on Mishpatim: A Debt to G-d2,847 views
a debt to G-d - innerstream

A Prosaic Portion
The memory of the Ten Commandments at Sinai is stamped into the collective psyche of the Jewish people. It was the piece de resistance of spiritual achievement. A transcendental moment; our souls luxuriated in the presence of the divine, freed from the shackles of vanity and materialism.


Shmini: Whose Torah is it Anyway?

April 16, 2006 – 4:50 am | Comments Off on Shmini: Whose Torah is it Anyway?2,558 views
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Not for Me
“Rabbi, the Torah was written so many years ago. Its laws were never intended for the modern age, for the people of modern technology and enlightenment.” This pearl of wisdom was last dropped in my lap several weeks ago during a discussion about Torah and its laws.
