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Articles tagged with: hope

Vaetchanan: The Full Moon

July 18, 2021 – 7:14 pm | Comments Off on Vaetchanan: The Full Moon1,127 views

This Shabbat will be special because the full moon will shine on Friday night. The full moon occurs every month but is most important in the month of Av. The Temple’s destruction on the ninth day of this month was the low point in Jewish history. At that time, it …

Vayechi: A Symbol of Hope

January 4, 2020 – 10:22 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: A Symbol of Hope1,489 views

Hope would have been the most important thing that Jews could have when they descended to Egypt, but hope seems to have been the last thing on the Torah’s mind at this point in the narrative. The last Torah portion of the book of Genesis is all about the passing …

Korach: Remembering Elie Wiesel

July 3, 2016 – 1:34 am | Comments Off on Korach: Remembering Elie Wiesel4,822 views

Never Shall I Forget
Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed. . . Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith for ever. . . Never shall I forget the nocturnal silence that deprived …

Shemot: A Day Is Born

December 31, 2012 – 2:02 am | Comments Off on Shemot: A Day Is Born3,366 views
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Baby De-Light
In their darkest hour, a time of deep despair, a baby boy named Moses was born to Yocheved and Amram, the leaders of a suffering nation. It took only a glance to notice that this baby was special. A good baby. But aren’t all babies good? Yes, but this …

Chanukah: General Washington Celebrates Chanukah

December 23, 2005 – 8:53 pm | Comments Off on Chanukah: General Washington Celebrates Chanukah3,723 views
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 General Washington Celebrates Chanukah

The winter of 1777 was harsh, almost unbearable. The soldiers stationed in Valley Forge had no inkling of why they were there. In their midst was a lone Jewish soldier and it was the first night of Chanukah.


Chanukah: Menorah on Masada

December 23, 2005 – 6:01 pm | Comments Off on Chanukah: Menorah on Masada3,153 views
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Mass Suicide
When you climb to the top and hike to the back you will discover a giant Chanukah Menorah on Masada and you have to wonder why. What is the connection between the story of Chanukah and the fortress of Massada? To answer this question we must go back to …

Seventenn of Tamuz: Destruction and Hope

November 2, 2005 – 2:49 am | Comments Off on Seventenn of Tamuz: Destruction and Hope2,928 views
Jerusalem from Mount Olives

During the Hebrew month of Tamuz, Jews around the world observe a three-week semi mourning period to commemorate the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.


Vaytze : The Night is for Jacob

November 19, 2004 – 5:16 am | Comments Off on Vaytze : The Night is for Jacob2,772 views
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Our patriarchs, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov established a rite of prayer that is followed to this very day. Avraham coined the morning service, Yitzchak the afternoon service and Yaakov the evening service. (1)
In prayer we draw divine energy into our environment and ourselves. Every day progresses through three stages, …