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Articles tagged with: Jews

Toldot: A Defense of Jews

November 3, 2018 – 8:06 pm | Comments Off on Toldot: A Defense of Jews1,928 views

Our Patriarch Isaac had nothing better to do with his day than plant seeds? Surely Isaac could think of many things to do. He could study Torah, he could do good deeds, he could look after his children, after all, twins can be a handful. Why did he work in …

Vayetze: The Jewish Oneness

November 15, 2015 – 2:55 pm | Comments Off on Vayetze: The Jewish Oneness2,894 views
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Twelve Sons
Jacob had twelve sons, each was a little different from the others. But they were much more alike than Isaac’s or Abraham’s children were. They were different parts of the same spectrum. Different colors of the same rainbow. Intrinsically, they were one.


Vayeshev: At Home

December 6, 2014 – 9:09 pm | Comments Off on Vayeshev: At Home3,948 views
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Where We Feel At Home
The story is told of a Chassid who would travel on business to St Petersburg and return home to his Rebbe’s court. In St. Petersburg he would don modern attire and mingle with his business colleagues, at home he reverted to the Chassid’s garb.
Feeling uncomfortable with …

Bo: The Secret of our Continuity

January 17, 2010 – 2:21 am | Comments Off on Bo: The Secret of our Continuity2,962 views
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The Silver Lining
We had spent the afternoon ensconced in our warm home hardly aware of the wintery conditions outdoors. As Shabbat ended we ventured outside and encountered a heavy snowfall. I groaned inwardly envisioning slush filled roads and back breaking shoveling, but was taken aback when a woman behind me …

Vayikra: Every Jew is Crucial

March 2, 2006 – 2:37 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: Every Jew is Crucial2,575 views
teffilin, the bond of love - innerstream

“Rabbi,” he said to me, “Why is it that in some Jewish circles I am seen as a lesser Jew? I was born to a Jewish mother, but I don’t practice very much. Am I any less Jewish than other Jews?”


Vaeirah: Proud to be Chosen

January 22, 2006 – 4:33 am | Comments Off on Vaeirah: Proud to be Chosen2,764 views
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Hiding our Culture
There was a time when nations readily acknowledged that the Jews were chosen. There was a time when we openly acknowledged that we were chosen. There was a time when no Jew was ashamed of being chosen. Today’s world is a little different. Jews long to fit in …