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Articles tagged with: Love

K’doshim: Gossip can be Deadly

April 30, 2006 – 2:08 pm | Comments Off on K’doshim: Gossip can be Deadly2,731 views
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Innocent Chatter
On a bus in Tel Aviv, an elderly woman could not help but overhear as two young ladies gossiped about a friend, who was engaged to be married. Giggling, they predicted that if her fiancé would only discover her faults, he would surely call off their engagement. The woman …

Tzav: Transformation From Within

April 2, 2006 – 9:04 pm | Comments Off on Tzav: Transformation From Within6,172 views
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In Love
A young man was set up on a “shidduch” date. After the first date he told his mother that he was impressed with the young lady’s character, but not with the shape of her nose. After several further dates the young man fell in love. When his mother asked …

Vayikra: Every Jew is Crucial

March 2, 2006 – 2:37 am | Comments Off on Vayikra: Every Jew is Crucial2,575 views
teffilin, the bond of love - innerstream

“Rabbi,” he said to me, “Why is it that in some Jewish circles I am seen as a lesser Jew? I was born to a Jewish mother, but I don’t practice very much. Am I any less Jewish than other Jews?”


Vaetchanan: Living for G-d

January 12, 2006 – 4:21 am | Comments Off on Vaetchanan: Living for G-d2,778 views

Three Loves
“And you shall love G-d your lord with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your might.” (1) These words are not poetic descriptions of love but precise instructions that define the parameters of the love that G-d desires.


Emor: The Dancing Jew

January 12, 2006 – 4:03 am | Comments Off on Emor: The Dancing Jew6,401 views
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The Hora
I’m not much of a dancer. I don’t like dancing and I’m not good at it. So I often find myself on the side of the dance floor watching rather than joining. You see, the dance pace at a Chassidic wedding is intense but the selection is standard, the hora, …

Miketz: A True Brother

December 23, 2005 – 8:50 pm | Comments Off on Miketz: A True Brother3,086 views
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A Jewish Boy In Egypt
Our Parsha relates the story of Josef in the land of Egypt. What was a good Jewish boy dong in Egypt? Why did he become Viceroy of such a corrupt and immoral land?

There was a famine in the region and Egypt was the only country …

Noach: Eternal Rays of Light

November 2, 2005 – 3:32 pm | Comments Off on Noach: Eternal Rays of Light2,642 views
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The Sunset
Several years ago, I sat with my family at the shores of Lake Huron enjoying a picturesque sunset. The sun descended over the water in a spectacular ball of fire and painted the cloudless sky in deep hues of purple and red. Enchanted by the majesty of the moment, …

Naso : The Priestly Blessing of Love

May 18, 2005 – 1:42 am | Comments Off on Naso : The Priestly Blessing of Love2,952 views
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The Ritual
If you have ever been to the Synagogue during the Priestly blessing, you know it is a celestial experience. The Kohen removes his shoes, approaches the podium his fase hidden behind his prayer shawl. He extends his hands towards the congregation, fingers parted and palms stretched outwards, he awaits, …