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Articles tagged with: optimism

Tzav: Until Morning

April 3, 2020 – 6:35 pm | Comments Off on Tzav: Until Morning2,504 views

Until morning is a phrase of promise and hope. The night is dark and desolate, but it won’t last forever. We might be anxious and fearful, perhaps disappointed and bitter, but it won’t last forever. Until morning. When the morning dawns, the fog will lift, the sun will shine, and …

Devarim: A Healthy Waste

July 23, 2017 – 12:18 am | Comments Off on Devarim: A Healthy Waste2,636 views

A Holiday
Joseph Stalin reputedly visited a Jewish inmate in prison who was rumored to foresee the future. Can you tell me, asked Stalin, when I will die? Well, replied the Jew, I can’t tell you the exact date, but I can tell you that will die on a Jewish holiday. …

Sh’lach: The Tetris Effect

June 11, 2017 – 12:08 am | Comments Off on Sh’lach: The Tetris Effect2,407 views

My Tetris Effect Moment
On a recent trip, I was waiting for an airport shuttle to take me to my hotel. When a white bus pulled up with the words “Homestead Hilton” painted on the side, I entered the van. To my chagrin I discovered that there are two Hiltons in …

Noach: A Rainbow

October 30, 2016 – 1:11 am | Comments Off on Noach: A Rainbow3,057 views

Rainbow – Bow in the Rain
Dolly Parton once said that if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.
What is a rainbow? It is light refracted through a rain drop. Beams of light appear to be white, but they actually have many colors that the eye can’t …

Kedoshim: The Inner Jew

May 8, 2016 – 12:21 am | Comments Off on Kedoshim: The Inner Jew2,986 views

A Confusion
One thing you could always assume in years past was that holy Jews looked the part. Long beard, wrinkled forehead, sparkling eyes and visage filled with wisdom. Bent over ancient tomes, or lovingly performing a Mitzvah, these people were energetic, learned, pious and driven. Their outer appearance reflected their …

David: For Whom the Sun Always Shone

May 6, 2016 – 11:44 am | Comments Off on David: For Whom the Sun Always Shone3,774 views

The world lost a special man last night. A man who walked quietly, but whose tread was heard loudly. A man who rarely addressed audiences, but who love was felt by many. A man who smiled sweetly and suffered greatly. A man who never stopped believing that all is for …

Pekudei: Having A Bad Day?

March 10, 2016 – 12:55 pm | Comments Off on Pekudei: Having A Bad Day?2,748 views

Looking Up
If your life is anything like mine, then you have good days and bad. Days when you feel like G-d is on your side and days when nothing seems to go right. When you are in the midst of a full blown bad day, you just want to go …