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Articles tagged with: optimist

Devarim: Too Clever

July 15, 2018 – 12:59 am | Comments Off on Devarim: Too Clever3,192 views

Sometimes we are too clever for our own good. One such time occurred in the second century when Rome decreed that Jews in Israel may not study the Torah on pain of death. Yet, the Talmud relates that Rabbi Akiva continued to offer public Torah lectures.
When questioned by Papus Ben …

Nitzavim: Sunnyside Up

September 24, 2016 – 11:34 pm | Comments Off on Nitzavim: Sunnyside Up2,843 views

The Sunnyside
The other day, my three-year-old son accompanied me to the supermarket. I put a few dozen eggs in the cart and asked him if he likes eggs. What kind are they, he replied, hard boiled or sunny side up?
It made me realize that this is a question for life. …