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Articles tagged with: perfection

Vayera: Too Perfect?

October 16, 2021 – 9:48 pm | Comments Off on Vayera: Too Perfect?1,189 views

Is “too perfect” a thing? Have you ever worried about being too perfect? Most of us worry that we aren’t perfect enough. But I know of at least one person who worried about being too perfect. Our collective grandfather, Abraham.
The Torah tells us that Abraham recovered from his circumcision in …

Passover: The Mighty Hand

March 24, 2013 – 7:40 pm | Comments Off on Passover: The Mighty Hand6,408 views
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Why the Long Process?
The phrase “G-d took us from Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm,” is a common refrain in the Passover liturgy. The obvious meaning here is that the Jews, enslaved by fierce captors, were powerless to escape, G-d appeared with a mighty arm and an …

Noach: Mr. Perfect

October 20, 2009 – 8:50 pm | Comments Off on Noach: Mr. Perfect2,596 views
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Noah or Abraham
We have a friend, who is committed to perceiving everything in life as absolutely perfect. He is a virtual Mr. perfect. He once shared with us that he wakes up every morning and exclaims “perfect, perfect, perfect.” I thought this a wonderful, if bizarre, way to start the …

Kedoshim: Legislating Moral Conduct

April 29, 2009 – 1:29 am | Comments Off on Kedoshim: Legislating Moral Conduct4,586 views
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Human Rights Commissions
I attended a seminar on Canadian Human Rights Commissions. On the whole the event amounted to a wholesale “Let’s Quash Human Rights Commissions” extravaganza. But I must concede that the tone of the event was rather peaceful. The presenters articulated their call for abolition in reasoned, albeit impassioned, …