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Articles tagged with: rest

Chayei Sarah: The Joys of Hard Work

November 6, 2014 – 2:50 pm | Comments Off on Chayei Sarah: The Joys of Hard Work5,374 views
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No Break
Abraham seems to have been in love with hard work. The frenetic pace of his life was unusual. In his youth, he organized and gave mass lectures on Monotheism all across Mesopotamia. He wrote four hundred books on the subject.


Emor: Shabbos Rest AND Exhilaration

April 21, 2013 – 4:36 am | Comments Off on Emor: Shabbos Rest AND Exhilaration4,135 views
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A Curious Phrase
The lyrics to a popular Jewish children’s song proclaim, “If I would have the might I would run into the night and I would cry SHABBOS, SHABBOS, SHABBOS, SHABBOS.” Shabbos means to rest, but running around and screaming Shabbos doesn’t sound overly restful to me. What is the …

B’har: Going on Holiday

May 10, 2012 – 2:31 pm | Comments Off on B’har: Going on Holiday7,460 views

I love the Sabbath, I really do. It’s a twenty-four hour break from monotony. The tedium of routine that constitutes our week can wear us down. The Sabbath is like going on holiday. It rides in on Friday evening, like a knight in shining armor, to save us from ourselves.


B’har: Sabbatical – An Expression of Faith

May 14, 2006 – 4:14 am | Comments Off on B’har: Sabbatical – An Expression of Faith2,665 views
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Would you enjoy taking a full sabbatical every seven years? You could relax, travel, study and spend quality time with your family.Would you enjoy it if your entire country took a sabbatical every seven years?
