Articles tagged with: self absorbed
Korach: The Selfie
Selfie pictures are all the rage these days. There are all kinds of tricks to get just the right angle. You can get an arm extender to help you to get the best shot. I saw reports that one of the hottest sale items last year was a pocket-size selfie …
Ki Tavo: Selfishness
Most Unwelcoming City
According to the readers of the Conde Nast travel magazine, Newark, NJ, is the unfriendliest city in the world. This dubious distinction is hotly contested by Newark’s residents, who claim that the magazine’s readers have never set foot outside of Newark’s bustling airport to visit the city, but …
Tzav: From the Bottom Up
The Mirror
Before the priests entered the Temple they performed ablutions at the Laver.[1] We too perform ablutions before prayer though it is not at a special laver; it is at the regular sink. The idea behind washing our hands is to wash away the negative emotions that cloud our minds …
Ki Tetze: The Consequence of Selfishness
A Trilogy
The following three subjects are presented in the Torah in succession. When a Jewish warrior lusts after a beautiful maiden in war, he may cohabit with her only if they marry. If a man married two wives and loves the first, but loathes the second he cannot abandon the …
Noach: Selfish as a Raven
Is it Craven?
In contrast to Edgar Allen Poe, who suggested in his famous poem, The Raven, that though its crest is shorn and shaven, the raven isn’t craven, the Talmudic sages were not so kindly disposed.
Devarim: Do You Love G-d or Youeself?
What have We Learned?
It is nearly two-thousand years since the Holy Temple stood as a glorious testament to G-d on the Temple Mount. It was ransacked and razed by a marauding mob that cared little for the nuanced relationship between the human and G-d. As the Temple smoldered in the …