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Articles tagged with: shabbat

B’Ha’alotcha: Manna and Shabbat

June 5, 2006 – 2:05 am | Comments Off on B’Ha’alotcha: Manna and Shabbat2,719 views
Gathering Manna

A Connection
Our Parsha describes the manner in which the Manna from heaven was delivered to our ancestors in the desert. It has been said that if one forgets which Parsha to read on any given Shabbat he should read the Parsha of the manna. This indicates a connection between the …

B’har: The Nature of Shabbos

May 7, 2006 – 3:41 am | Comments Off on B’har: The Nature of Shabbos3,127 views
like m other like daughter - innerstream

Shabbos – The Crown of the Week
“When you come into your land… the earth shall rest a Shabbos for Hashem. For six years you shall sow your land but the seventh year shall be…a Shabbos for Hashem.” (Our Parsha, Leviticus 25, 2-4) This verse begins with a discussion of Shabbos, …

Beshalach: Heavenly Bread

January 29, 2006 – 5:17 am | Comments Off on Beshalach: Heavenly Bread2,506 views
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Two Loaves of Manna
Every Shabbos table boasts a goblet of wine and two loaves of bread – Challah. Why do we have two loaves of bread? Our Parsha teaches that, in the desert, G-d gave our ancestors a daily portion of Manna. On Friday he gave them two portions, one …

Mishpatim : The Six Year Bondsman

February 1, 2005 – 11:37 am | Comments Off on Mishpatim : The Six Year Bondsman5,787 views
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Automatic Liberty?
Our Parsha teaches that a Jew may be sold into servitude for six years but on the first day of the seventh year the slave is automatically granted full liberty. (1) This law evokes images of a spontaneous transformation from princess to pumpkin at the stroke of midnight. …

Yitro : A Protest of Orange Stars

January 29, 2005 – 5:51 am | Comments Off on Yitro : A Protest of Orange Stars3,449 views
orange stars

A Controversial Decision
The Orange Revolution, a campaign orchestrated in 2005 by Jews in Israel to protest the forced expulsion of Jews from Gaza, advised Jews to wear orange stars on their arm sleeves as a duel symbol of solidarity with the Jewish communities of Gaza and of protest against the …