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Articles tagged with: silence

Shemini: Silence is Golden

March 17, 2014 – 4:21 pm | Comments Off on Shemini: Silence is Golden4,164 views
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When Aaron experienced the tragic loss of two sons, he responded with silence. He didn’t accept with silence, he replied with silence. The Torah says, “Vayidom Aharaon,” Aaron fell silent.[1] At first he cried, but later, fell silent.[2] It wasn’t a passive silence, he wrestled with himself to achieve it.
For …

Acharei Mot: Response to Tragedy

April 14, 2013 – 4:06 am | Comments Off on Acharei Mot: Response to Tragedy5,043 views
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A Silent Response
During his inauguration to the High Priesthood, Aaron lost two sons. In response to tragedy Aaron was silent.[1] As High Priest, Aaron was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies on occasion, but only in silence – without bells on his tunic.[2] Silence seems to be thematic to …

Shemot: Empathy in the Face of Suffering

January 15, 2006 – 10:13 pm | Comments Off on Shemot: Empathy in the Face of Suffering3,227 views
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A Mother’s Pain
A mother returned from her child’s funeral and approached the master. Through her tears, she begged him to tell her why her beloved child had had to die. The master asked her, “Do you really want to know?”

“Yes, of course I do” she replied.

“Are you sure?” asked the …

Tetzaveh : The Sounds of Silence

February 10, 2005 – 8:29 am | Comments Off on Tetzaveh : The Sounds of Silence3,120 views
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The Meaning of Sound
What does sound mean to you? Sound plays many roles. It is a vehicle for communication, music, and even distraction, but at its root sound is the simple indicator of life.
