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Articles tagged with: struggle

Heroic Struggles of Ordinary People

June 10, 2023 – 11:55 pm | Comments Off on Heroic Struggles of Ordinary People523 views
Heroic struggles

Heroic struggles are for ordinary people. Extraordinary people have no struggles. They are brilliant and gifted. Their hearts aflame with love; they are humble, kind, generous, and pious. They melt with ecstasy at the mention of G-d, and they tremble with fear at the specter of sin. They follow all …

Ki Tetze : The Struggle to Improve

September 16, 2005 – 6:09 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tetze : The Struggle to Improve2,392 views
the struggle to improve - innerstream

The Wayward Son
He was a glutton for meat and drank alcohol to excess. He disobeyed his parents at every turn, mocking their pleas and their attempts at discipline. He refused accept instruction. Instead he sought to instruct his parents.. He demanded that they pay for his excessive habits, and when …