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Articles tagged with: transcendence

Sukkot: Can We Top Yom Kippur

September 28, 2012 – 4:07 am | Comments Off on Sukkot: Can We Top Yom Kippur4,671 views
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The Nature of Return
It happened once on the day after Yom Kippur that Rabbi Yosef Yitzchack Shneerson, the sixth Rebbe of Chabad asked his father, Rabbi Sholom Ber, “what now?” How do we top the pinnacle of holiness that we experienced on Yom Kippur? His father replied, “Now the work …

Shemini: Bridging Passover and the Weekday

April 14, 2009 – 12:07 pm | Comments Off on Shemini: Bridging Passover and the Weekday2,945 views
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In contra distinction to the rest of the week, Shabbat is a holy day. Though the weekdays lead up to Shabbat and are influenced by Shabbat, they can never become holy; they are forever destined to be mundane. With one exception: The Festivals.


Emor: Beyond the Highest Point

April 30, 2006 – 5:27 pm | Comments Off on Emor: Beyond the Highest Point2,338 views
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On the Morrow of Shabbat
In this week’s Parsha we learn of the Mitzvah to count the Omer. The Torah tells us that the count begins on the morrow of Shabbat and continues for seven weeks. Tradition teaches that the word Shabbat here is to be understood as the holiday of …