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Articles tagged with: truth

Yitro: The Truth Lover

January 27, 2018 – 11:44 pm | Comments Off on Yitro: The Truth Lover2,651 views

Nothing, But the Truth
Have you ever noticed that there is an entire portion in the Torah named after a proselyte? And not just any portion, but the portion that describes the Ten Commandments. Why was this portion named after Jethro, a proselyte?
Our sages explained that this was a tribute to …

Mishpatim: Finding the Truth

February 3, 2013 – 10:00 pm | Comments Off on Mishpatim: Finding the Truth2,789 views
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The Heart of an Argument
In Halachic jurisprudence there is a rigorous protocol for the conduct of a Jewish court on the day of a capital trial. Halacha requires that the case be heard in expedited fashion and with an eye toward finding the truth.  As soon as testimony is given …

The Nine Days: Suffering Leads to Growth

July 22, 2012 – 5:49 am | Comments Off on The Nine Days: Suffering Leads to Growth5,759 views
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Why Nine?
Life isn’t a coincidence. Everything has meaning, it’s all “Bashert” [providential]. In 350 BCE and again in 69 CE, during the days leading up to the destruction of the Temple, our ancestors suffered greatly. The Babylonian forces and later the Roman Legions ransacked Jerusalem and brutalized the inhabitants. Every …

Korach: Let’s Have The Truth

June 6, 2010 – 4:10 am | Comments Off on Korach: Let’s Have The Truth6,584 views
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I Want It Too
Moses was leader; his brother Aaron, High Priest. The people accepted this arrangement, knowing the selection was made by G-d. Well, actually, not all the people were happy. Korach and 250 of his friends were jealous; they coveted the position for themselves and brought their complaint to …

Shmini : Foundation of the Law

March 29, 2005 – 11:46 pm | Comments Off on Shmini : Foundation of the Law26,547 views
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It was a festive day. After months of preparation and seven days of training the priestly family was anointed. They donned the sacred vestments and inaugurated the sacrificial rite. Aaron, the High Priest, climbed to the top of the altar and offered up a sacrifice whereupon G-d’s presence descended upon …