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Articles tagged with: wealth

Chasing Wealth

July 29, 2023 – 11:19 pm | Comments Off on Chasing Wealth512 views

Wealth is a blessing, but it is also a test. In the words of the Torah, when we grow wealthy, we grow haughty. We believe that we succeeded because of our industriousness, courage, tenacity, resourcefulness, and ambition. We forget that success is granted by G-d
The business environment is cutthroat, and …

Toldos: The Purpose of Wealth

November 29, 2016 – 11:37 pm | Comments Off on Toldos: The Purpose of Wealth2,879 views

Dividing the Wealth
When Rebeca was pregnant with twins, she went to ask the prophet why she was feeling so much turmoil and pain. The prophet told her that she was carrying two nations and that they would separate from the womb; each in their own direction.
Our sages recorded a conversation …