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In a small village in Lithuania, a young boy named Berel received a bicycle as a gift. Berel loved his bike and drove it every day, including Shabbat. The Rabbi heard about this and announced that Berel should henceforth be referred to as Berel the goy—the non-Jew. Berel heard about …

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15th Nov 2004 : Shaloh House Synagogue, Stoughton, MA

Submitted by on November 14, 2004 – 9:40 amNo Comment | 1,962 views

Shaloh House Synagogue
50 Ethyl Way, # 781
Stoughton, MA 02072-1211
(781) 344-6334

From Sinai to Modern Day – Lecture

Tracing Maimonides to the development of the Oral Tradition

November 15th found Shaloh House Chabad of the South Area with a room
set up for another exciting lecture. With about 30 people in
attendance, Rabbi Lazar Gurkow, (Following the event Rabbi Gurkow took time to answer questions.Rabbi
of Congregation Beth Tefillah, London, Ontario,) took us on a trip
through hundreds of years of history of the Oral Torah. In his clear
and concise nature, he explained how decisions were made, how conflicts
were solved and, most importantly, how the Torah was kept intact. 
From generation to generation, a small but dedicated group of rabbis
succeeded in preserving the Torah’s integrity.

Rabbi Lazer Gurkow, a gifted orator, has lectured extensively on a
variety of Jewish topics throughout the country. His prolific articles
have appeared in many Jewish publications and he is a regular
contributor to a host of interactive Jewish websites. Everybody walked
away with a better appreciation of how the Torah was passed down. You
can find more about Rabbi Lazer Gurkow and his teachings on his
website: www.bethtefilah.org.

This lecture was the last in a series on: Journey with Maimonides, a
program that started last February with an interactive family expo.
This program was sponsored in part by the Combined Jewish
Philanthropies Synagogue Program Fund and was created by the Community
Outreach Initiative at Shaloh House Chabad of the South Area.