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Articles in Education

Lift Up, Don’t Put Down

July 6, 2024 – 11:26 pm | Comments Off on Lift Up, Don’t Put Down123 views

On occasion, we all need to correct or critique someone. It might be a colleague, employee, sibling, child, or even a spouse. How do you tend to do it? Would you say something like, “You’re doing it all wrong, here watch me,” or “Let me show you a more efficient …

Come Down

December 25, 2022 – 10:54 am | Comments Off on Come Down764 views

Today, I want to talk to you the time Joseph instructed his father to, “Come down to me.”
Joseph was viceroy of Egypt—the only country with food in a region otherwise plagued by famine. Joseph’s brothers came to procure food for their families, and Joseph tangled with them. After several days, …

Hateful Speech And Elon Musk

May 1, 2022 – 12:20 am | Comments Off on Hateful Speech And Elon Musk1,297 views

Hateful Speech
Elon Musk has purchased Twitter and pledged to allow free speech within the limits of the law. Many people are upset about this and believe that any speech that makes someone feel uncomfortable should be curbed. They argue that unfettered speech on Twitter, will open the door to hateful …

Passover: Four Problems Four Solutions

April 10, 2022 – 12:33 am | Comments Off on Passover: Four Problems Four Solutions1,228 views

Passover seems obsessed with the number four. We drink four cups of wine, children ask four questions, and four sons ask questions in the Hagadah.  It is the evening of questions and answers, of learning and discussion, and it all centers around four.
You see, there are four sons, the wise …

Vayetze: Find Our Calling

November 6, 2021 – 8:27 pm | Comments Off on Vayetze: Find Our Calling1,470 views

To find our calling is the hallmark of life. Life isn’t a generic formula that can be applied to everyone equally. Each life is unique; each life story is highly individual. As children, we live with our parents and family, but as we grow and mature, we venture forth and …

Bamidbar: Israel Is On Fire

May 12, 2021 – 11:12 pm | Comments Off on Bamidbar: Israel Is On Fire32,922 views

Israel is on fire this week and we live in an age where this cannot be denied. Footage of skies filled with rockets fired maliciously into densely populated neighborhoods, flood our social media accounts daily. Our brethren live in shelters and too many have been struck. The iron dome is …

The Passing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

November 12, 2020 – 6:18 pm | Comments Off on The Passing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks24,671 views

It has been around a year since the world has lost a great leader with the passing of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. Who will be his successor?
There will be millions beginning with me and you.
Rabbi Sacks was a unique and leading voice among rabbis in our generation. His keen intellect and …

Devarim: The Rational You

July 18, 2020 – 10:45 pm | Comments Off on Devarim: The Rational You1,505 views

The Torah is divided into two parts—the first four books and the last book. The last book is in a category of its own because it is largely written as if Moses were talking rather than as G-d talking. Rather than saying “Moses spoke” this book reads, “I spoke.”
However, before …