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Articles in Bullying

The Jewish Core Emerges

November 15, 2023 – 7:17 pm | Comments Off on The Jewish Core Emerges387 views
Jewish Core

The Jewish core has emerged stronger than ever these past few weeks. The monstrous massacre, compounded by the public blaming Jews for it, was a murderous double stab to the collective Jewish heart. The fact that some of our decades-long friends and neighbors have turned on us so suddenly left …

Freedom of Thought

October 1, 2022 – 10:43 pm | Comments Off on Freedom of Thought834 views

Freedom of thought is a G-d given right. In communist and socialist countries, the individual is made to cede to the collective. In dictatorships the collective is compelled to cede to the dictator. But this is not what G-d intended for us humans. G-d intended for us to have freedom …

Purim: The Response to Antisemitism

February 20, 2021 – 9:35 pm | Comments Off on Purim: The Response to Antisemitism1,323 views

Purim represents a victory over antisemitism. Haman was the preeminent antisemite. He didn’t need a reason to hate Jews. He hated them because they were Jewish. Any of his reasons were excuses on which to hang his hat, but they weren’t his primary reasons.
Let’s look at the story of Purim …

Ekev: Cancel Culture

August 2, 2020 – 9:14 am | Comments Off on Ekev: Cancel Culture1,326 views

Ekev: Cancel Culture
Cancel Culture is a phrase one hears a lot these days. Cancel culture is the idea that if you don’t agree or even appear to agree with my thoughts, I will cancel your very integrity, let alone your credibility.
The problem with cancel culture is that as one group …

Ki Tisa: The Cruelty of Abuse

February 16, 2019 – 9:56 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tisa: The Cruelty of Abuse1,893 views

Understanding the Impact
What is it about the abuse of a child that twists and stunts their emotions for life? I know that it does, but why does it? Why does an imbalanced relationship in a time of vulnerability hamper us decades later? Why does neglect in childhood make it difficult …

Vayigash: The True Meaning of Tolerance

December 31, 2016 – 11:40 pm | Comments Off on Vayigash: The True Meaning of Tolerance2,954 views

Can We Tolerate Tolerance?
Have you ever been in the ironic position where someone accused of lacking tolerance and in the process turned intolerant toward you? Sadly, such occasions are commonplace nowadays. Just think of the riots that swept America post election, when people rampaged and pillaged in the name of …

Sukkot: The Strength to Emerge

October 16, 2016 – 1:40 am | Comments Off on Sukkot: The Strength to Emerge2,495 views

Four days after Yom Kippur we take our show on the road. We emerge from our synagogue and home and go out to the Sukkah (outdoor hut covered in foliage). To come out means to emerge from the doors that enclose us in and the locks that hold us back. …

Tazria: Fix Me Don’t Break Me

April 3, 2016 – 2:30 pm | Comments Off on Tazria: Fix Me Don’t Break Me3,450 views
the crybaby generation - innerstream

A Typical Exchange
With more than twenty years in the rabbinate I have seen my share of painful human interactions and have become an observer of human nature. I find that two thigs often happen when people berate each other. First, the berator comes on too strong to be heard. Second, …