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Articles in Environment

The First Diaspora Jew

December 31, 2022 – 8:13 pm | Comments Off on The First Diaspora Jew890 views
diaspora jew

This week we are introduced to the diaspora Jew. Until this point, the Torah was concerned with holy people who lived in holy places (except for Abraham who lived for a while in Mesopotamia). We read about Joseph’s sale to Egypt several weeks ago, but that is not a true …

A Shlemiel

July 9, 2022 – 11:39 pm | Comments Off on A Shlemiel926 views

A shlemiel is a clumsy person who always stumbles and unwittingly finds his way into mishaps. It is Yiddish slang that is meant to be a play on the word shlimazel, another Yiddish aphorism. Shlimazel is a compound of two Hebrew words, shelo-mazel, without luck. A luckless person who always …

Emor: Are Humans Good?

April 24, 2021 – 11:03 pm | Comments Off on Emor: Are Humans Good?1,148 views

The other day, I asked several youngsters which is the most important species on earth. One raised his hand and suggested that we, humans, are most important. Another objected and said, that we are the worst offenders on the planet. Humans, she insisted are a horrible species.
I was taken aback …

Vayikra: Healthy Distancing

March 22, 2020 – 5:17 pm | Comments Off on Vayikra: Healthy Distancing2,217 views

Healthy distancing is a phrase I coined to replace the term social distancing. As I wrote last week, we are distancing for healthy purposes, not for social purposes and we must do out utmost to ensure that our healthy distancing does not result in social distancing.
Jews are careful to avoid …

Bereshit: Human Centric

October 22, 2019 – 10:06 pm | Comments Off on Bereshit: Human Centric1,487 views

For millennia it was believed that the world is human centric, but science has slowly chipped away at this assumption.
From the day the first astronomer focused his gaze on the distant stars, humans postulated that our planet sits at the center of the universe and serves as the focal point …

Balak: Shabbat and the Week

July 14, 2019 – 1:01 am | Comments Off on Balak: Shabbat and the Week1,668 views

Shabbat is a twenty-five-hour break from the world. It is a wonderful time to unplug and relax. We enjoy quality time with children, family, and friends. We luxuriate in endeavors of the soul such as song, contemplation, study, prayer, and discussion. Unplugging from our phone’s constant pinging, our constant attraction …

Noach: A Rainbow

October 30, 2016 – 1:11 am | Comments Off on Noach: A Rainbow3,058 views

Rainbow – Bow in the Rain
Dolly Parton once said that if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain.
What is a rainbow? It is light refracted through a rain drop. Beams of light appear to be white, but they actually have many colors that the eye can’t …

Vayeshev: Identity Crisis

December 15, 2015 – 10:58 pm | Comments Off on Vayeshev: Identity Crisis2,863 views
identity -

The Schism
Are you different things to different people? Do your workplace and home environment support conflicting values? Is your social culture different from your religious culture? Does your family live by one ethos and your neighbors by another?
How do you deal with the dichotomy? Do you blend in wherever you …