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February 15, 2025 – 10:18 pm | Comments Off on Never Tell A Lie10 views

Our sages were fence builders—not in the conventional sense, but metaphorically. The Torah presents many prohibitions, and our sages built fences around them to ensure we do not step over the line. For example, the Torah tells us not to write on Shabbat, and our sages prohibited even holding a …

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Articles in Naso

Naso: Judaism Is Egalitarian

May 29, 2012 – 2:05 pm | Comments Off on Naso: Judaism Is Egalitarian3,993 views
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Equal Access
When the words religious egalitarian are spoken they usually refer to gender equality, but I have something entirely different in mind.  I am referring to the absence of a caste system in Judaism. Jews don’t subscribe to a pyramid scheme that requires the laity to access G-d via priests …

Naso: The Recovering Addict

May 29, 2011 – 5:08 am | Comments Off on Naso: The Recovering Addict2,970 views
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The Dilemma of the Blanket
Have you ever laid yourself to sleep with a short blanket? You cover your toes, but your shoulders are cold. You pull up the blanket to cover your shoulders, but now your toes are exposed. Your sleep is restless and fitful, what do you do? Finally …

Naso: Commitment Spawns Enthusiasm

May 16, 2010 – 3:38 am | Comments Off on Naso: Commitment Spawns Enthusiasm2,796 views
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Completely Invested
Reb Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the third Rebbe of Chabad, (1) once related that his grandfather, Reb Schneur Zalman, offered to bless him with the intellectual gift that would make Torah study come easily to him. Reb Menachem Mendel refused saying that he wanted to invest his energies and acquire …

Naso: Mourners Kaddish

June 4, 2009 – 2:31 am | Comments Off on Naso: Mourners Kaddish3,417 views
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Empty Shoes
One of the most poignant monuments in the Unites States Holocaust Memorial Museum is the mountainous display of empty shoes. Thousands and thousands of ownerless shoes; old people’s shoes, young people’s shoes, sturdy shoes, torn shoes, large shoes, little shoes and even infant shoes. All are empty; their bearers …

Naso: Food for Thought for Your Dinner Table

May 30, 2008 – 3:56 pm | Comments Off on Naso: Food for Thought for Your Dinner Table3,247 views
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Sunday: Never Too Late
The Levites began to serve in the sanctuary at the age of thirty and their primary task was transporting the sanctuary across the desert. The desert is an arid environment with no water. Water is a symbol for the Torah. On a spiritual plane, the desert represents …

Naso: The Path To Permanent Recovery

May 20, 2007 – 4:35 am | Comments Off on Naso: The Path To Permanent Recovery3,472 views
the path to permanent recovery

It is often said that the difference between success and failure is the willingness to go the extra mile. The decision to go the extra mile can only be made when we have already traveled the entire conventional route. We reach the end of our trail, but the successful seek out …

Naso: The Choices we Make

June 5, 2006 – 1:51 am | Comments Off on Naso: The Choices we Make3,050 views
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Show Me the Money
If I set two plates before you, one filled with cookies, the other with a million dollars, which one would you choose? Consider the benefit you and society could derive from the money. Contrast that with the short term pleasure and long term belly-ache that the cookies …

Naso: Who Is the Misfit Anyway?

May 28, 2006 – 4:12 am | Comments Off on Naso: Who Is the Misfit Anyway?4,414 views
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A Deeper Meaning
The first verse of this Parsha, tells us to “raise the head of the tribal family Gershon”. In addition to the simple meaning of the words, “raise the heads,” which means take a census; there is a deeper meaning that lies submerged beneath the text. With a little …