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Dynamic Seasons of Change

Submitted by on November 2, 2005 – 3:59 amNo Comment | 2,619 views

Seasonal Change

The winter has
come to an end and the long awaited summer has finally arrived. The
weather changes, the sun emerges and we take it for granted that the
worst is over. We plan our vacations, take out our summer clothes and
begin preparations for a calm and relaxing season.

In the back of
our minds we know that this new season will also come to an end, after
that a new season will arrive and we will have to plan and prepare all
over again. Nevertheless we don't allow this knowledge to deter us from
our diligent preparations. We recognize that during the course of life,
we constantly experience seasonal changes and that each season requires
a certain amount of planning and preparation.

Spiritual Change

It is not only
the physical weather patterns that are subject to continual change but
the nature of our spirituality as well. In our dynamic religion we
never remain static but continually experience growth and change.

The Torah
teaches that every day we are given the opportunity to grow in our
spirituality and in our service to G-d. Every day, the Almighty gives
us the strength to take one step forward, the potential to climb one
more rung in the ladder of spirituality. Every day brings with it a new
set of expectations along with an increased measure of spiritual
strength, thus; every day becomes a season for itself.

Plan Ahead

We must plan and
prepare for these spiritual seasons with the same vigor and enthusiasm
that we invest in our physical seasons. We must make precise and
detailed plans for how we intend to increase our level of spirituality.
How much charity we are willing to give, how many hours we are willing
to commit, how many classes we are willing to attend. These plans must
later serve as the blueprint for our behavior during the course of the

Every one is
capable of living up to these daily expectations, however, we must be
willing to apply ourselves and commit to these goals. We must train
ourselves to remember that yesterday's success is no longer sufficient
for today and that today's accomplishments will not suffice for