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February 1, 2025 – 9:33 pm | Comments Off on This Is My G-d66 views

In this Torah portion, the Jews made one of history’s most dramatic and romantic statements. When G-d split the Red Sea, they were overcome with emotion. “This is my G-d,” they exclaimed, “and I will beautify Him.” They didn’t say this is G-d or even this is our G-d; they …

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Home » Birth

Life Cycle: Birth

Submitted by on November 4, 2005 – 2:48 amNo Comment | 2,408 views

a child into the world is the greatest blessing that G-d has bestowed
upon mankind. When we give birth, we form a partnership with G-d in the
act of creation.

In birth we
become a part of creation ex-nihilo, creating something out of nothing.
A fetus that simply did not exist before has suddenly come into
existence through a miraculous act of G-d.

Furthermore, the
process of giving birth is also our opportunity to tap into eternity.
The child will one day procreate on his/her own, we are starting a
chain that can eternally recreate itself. For one fantastic and
beautiful moment we are able to reach out and touch the infinity of the


Every year we
celebrate and relive this miracle on our birthday and on the birthday
of our children. We make a party for family and friends and invite them
to celebrate with us.

A birthday is
like a private Rosh Hashanah before G-d. On this day we take stock of
our actions and behavior of the previous year and take on positive
resolutions for the year to come. In this way we display our gratitude
for the miracle of life and for G-d’s daily presence in our life
through the countless miracles that he performs for us every day.