Lech L’cha: Blood Is Thicker
Going To War
We All know the story. Marauding armies captured Lot when they conquered the rebellious cities of Sedom and Amorah. Upon hearing that Lot was in captivity, Avraham, his servant Eliezer and a handful of men, chased his captors in an effort to liberate Lot. Avraham succeeded and was offered a share of the loot, which he gently but firmly refused.
But wait a minute! Who was Avraham rushing to save? For whom was he putting his neck on the line against such overwhelming odds? For Lot, a man who had parted ways with Avraham for he could not tolerate ethical morality! For a man who chose Sedom, a city wicked and sinful against G-d and their fellow men!
Indeed Avraham refused to receive his reward from their sinful hands and yet he rushed off to save them. Why? There is only one answer, Lot, his nephew, and the Sedomites, fellow human beings, were in distress.
If Avraham rushed off to battle against impossible odds because his nephew was in trouble what is our responsibility to our brothers, today when Klal Yisroel (the community of Israel) is in danger?