D’varim: The Lover’s Rebuke
This week we begin to read the book of Deuteronomy. In reading this book we develop a profound respect for leaders such as Moses. Standing on the verge of death Moses prepared to bid his people farewell. He leaves them his final will and testament.
His words touch our deepest emotions. They convey stern instruction, but also reflect his loving heart. He stands revealed as a faithful shepherd, who wants the best for his flock. As a leader, who engenders a strict adherence to Torah discipline.
In his will the instructions are clear; they plot an unerring course on the map of Jewish life. The rebuke for past indiscretion is sharp; they cut to the heart and soul of every Jew, but every word is also laced with tender, fatherly love. Every sentence breathes the care and concern that a loving shepherd carries for his flock.
Indeed, if he didn’t love us he may not have cared enough to rebuke us.