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Articles tagged with: anniversary

Shavuot: How To Celebrate An Anniversary?

May 21, 2012 – 1:20 am | Comments Off on Shavuot: How To Celebrate An Anniversary?3,386 views
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Shavuot is the anniversary of the day we received the Torah. Almost every year before my anniversary my friends ask, so what are you going to do for your anniversary? I submit that a much better question would be what is your anniversary going to do for you? And if …

Shavuot: A Bailout Package

May 24, 2009 – 4:40 am | Comments Off on Shavuot: A Bailout Package3,202 views
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This essay was published in 2009,but its message is still relevant.
Economic Recovery?
β€œThe economy is showing flickering signs of recovery.” Such was the news hesitantly delivered by Ben Bernanki, Chairman of the US Federal Reserve. Indeed, retail sales rose slightly in April. Auto and home sales are up again and major …