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Articles tagged with: divorce

Ki Tetze: Why Divorce Is Necessary

September 5, 2011 – 8:09 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tetze: Why Divorce Is Necessary4,821 views
why divorce is necessary - innerstream

Two Worlds
Nearly all children dream of marriage, yet nearly half of today’s marriages end in divorce, why is divorce so rampant? Conversely, with divorce so rampant, why do we still marry?


Emor: The Dancing Jew

January 12, 2006 – 4:03 am | Comments Off on Emor: The Dancing Jew6,401 views
the dancing jew innerstream

The Hora
I’m not much of a dancer. I don’t like dancing and I’m not good at it. So I often find myself on the side of the dance floor watching rather than joining. You see, the dance pace at a Chassidic wedding is intense but the selection is standard, the hora, …