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Articles tagged with: ego

Tzav: Smoking Hot

March 17, 2018 – 11:31 pm | Comments Off on Tzav: Smoking Hot2,187 views

Smoke and FireThe temperature in the Temple was smoking hot. One can only imagine that the summer months in Jerusalem were hot enough as it was. Add to that the myriads of people that filled the temple on a given day, and the many fires atop the altar, and you …

Naso: Self Imposed Confinement

May 25, 2014 – 11:44 am | Comments Off on Naso: Self Imposed Confinement2,725 views
confinement -

We live in self-imposed confinement. Our world is confined to ourselves and to the people we love. Tell us about a tragedy elsewhere in the world, we cluck our tongues and move on. For some, the world is even smaller. It extends only to themselves. At every turn they ask …

Vaera: Where is G-d?

January 8, 2013 – 3:32 am | Comments Off on Vaera: Where is G-d?3,164 views
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G-d is You
As a child I recall walking with my father one morning while he was telling my older brothers that nothing exists outside of G-d. In fact, he said, G-d is in everything. He is the flower, the street, the car, He is even you. This captured my childish …

Vayechi: The Crybaby Generation

December 25, 2012 – 11:00 pm | Comments Off on Vayechi: The Crybaby Generation4,327 views
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The Natives
In our quest to put an end to bullying we introduced laws that ban abuse and enforce punishment for bullying behavior.  But as is often the case, when we nip and tuck in one area, we cause unintended consequences in another. In this case I feel that we are …

Tu B’av: When Smaller Is Bigger

August 2, 2009 – 3:53 am | Comments Off on Tu B’av: When Smaller Is Bigger7,948 views
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Self Doubt
Have you ever made a snap decision that radically altered your lifestyle? I’m talking about deciding to move to a place you were visiting, changed careers midcourse,  or perhaps seeing something attractive in a particular teacher and making a snap decision to transfer your child to her class.


Ki Tavo: Serving in A Selfish World

September 3, 2006 – 8:03 pm | Comments Off on Ki Tavo: Serving in A Selfish World3,082 views
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Father and Son
After a long and agonizing separation, Jacob and Joseph were finally reunited at the ancient gates of Egypt. What did the loving father do at that moment? Did he embrace his son and release his pent-up tears? No, he recited the Shema, proclaiming his faith in G-d.


Yitro: The Confident Approach

February 13, 2006 – 8:03 pm | Comments Off on Yitro: The Confident Approach2,623 views
grand canyon

Cold Feet
Many years ago, I found myself in a plane high above the Grand Canyon. I was on my way to accept a job as head counselor of a West Coast summer day camp when I began to doubt myself. Was this job right for me? Was I good enough? …

Shoftim : A Refuge from Sin

September 5, 2005 – 8:54 pm | Comments Off on Shoftim : A Refuge from Sin2,686 views
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Should we Forgive?
He is usually a considerate and loving husband but this time was different. During a heated argument he lost his temper and hurled vicious insults at his wife . He was in the grip of rage but never meant to be hurtful. He quickly stopped himself, apologized and …